Code of Conduct
All students of the School of Continuing and Professional Education, City University of Hong Kong (CityU SCOPE) should observe the following rules. Students who registered in non-local programmes should also observe the rules and regulations of the awarding university.
Code of Student Conduct
CityU SCOPE expects all students to have good conduct in academic matters and to behave well generally. You are expected to treat all other students and members of the University community with honesty, respect and in good faith. You need to observe the Code of Student Conduct and other rules and regulations which are crucial in the making CityU SCOPE an excellent place for learning.
Students are expected to dress and behave properly. The following behaviours/activities are not permitted in the CityU SCOPE learning centres and CityU Campus:
- Smoking
- Betting and gambling
- Consuming alcoholic drinks
- Viewing and downloading obscene materials
- Eating and drinking (except water) in class
- Sexual harassment
Academic Honesty
Students must pursue their studies with academic honesty. Academic honesty is central to the conduct of academic work. Students are expected to present your own work, give proper acknowledgement of other's work, and honestly report findings obtained. Students must comply with the programme assessment regulations.
Students who commit an act of academic dishonesty which jeopardizes the integrity of the learning and assessment process may be charged and be liable to disciplinary action.
Academic dishonesty includes but is not restricted to the following behaviours:
- PLAGIARISM, e.g., the failure to properly acknowledge the use of another person’s work or submission for assessment material that is not the Student's own work;
- MISREPRESENTATION of a piece of group work as the Student's own individual work;
- COLLUSION, i.e., allowing another person to gain advantage by copying one's work;
- UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS to an examination/test paper;
- USE OF FABRICATED DATA claimed to be obtained by experimental work, or data copied or obtained by unfair means;
- IMPERSONATING ANOTHER STUDENT at a test or an examination or allowing oneself to be impersonated.
- Use of FRAUDULENT DOCUMENTS and/or information to gain advantage for any academic work, e.g. submission of a fraudulent medical certificate to request for a make-up examination.
During an examination, if an invigilator suspects that a participant has committed an act of academic dishonesty, the participant will be told that the matter will be reported to CityU SCOPE, but he/she would be allowed to continue with the examination. The invigilator will then endorse the examination script, with a separate written report to CityU SCOPE.
On receipt of any allegation of academic dishonesty, all cases will be referred to the appropriate Committee for action. The Committee may impose penalties as follows:
- An oral or written warning including a statement to the effect that a repetition of the offence will lead to a more severe penalty;
- Requiring a participant to do additional coursework and/or examinations;
- Suspension from the programme for a specified period of time;
- Expulsion from the programme together with a determination of the period for which the participant may not be re-admitted to a programme of studies;
- Such other penalties as the Committee may determine.
Examination Regulations
Candidates must follow the instructions given by an invigilator at the start of the examination and during the examination. Any violation will result in disciplinary action.
- Candidates must ensure that they arrive at the right time and place and for the right examination.
- No candidates may enter the examination venue until authorization is given by the Chief Invigilator. This will normally be ten minutes before the scheduled start of the examination.
- Candidates should arrive at the examination venue 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time. Extra time will not be allowed to those who arrive later. Those who are late by more than 30 minutes are not allowed to take the examination.
- Candidates are required to produce and place their SCOPE student identity cards / Hong Kong identity cards / student identity cards of overseas awarding institutions (if applicable) on the examination desks for checking by the invigilators.
- Mobile phones and all electronic hand-held devices (except those specifically permitted for individual course) are not allowed to be used during the examinations.
- When attending examinations, candidates should put their belongings inside a bag which can be closed properly. Candidates should avoid bringing valuable things to any examinations. SCOPE is not responsible for any loss of property inside an examination venue.
Student Conduct During Examination
- Candidates must only bring with them materials to the examination as specified by their lecturers in advance.
- Candidates will be asked to leave all the belongings and any unauthorized materials inside the bag which can be closed properly and place it in a designated place inside the examination venue as instructed by the Chief Invigilator.
- Mobile phones and all electronic devices (except those specifically permitted for individual examinations) should be switched off and put inside the properly closed bag during the whole examination.
- If any unauthorized materials, including all kinds of electronic devices with cellular connectivity, mobile applications installed or wireless technologies supported (e.g. mobile phone, tablet, smart watch, electronic dictionary, pager, MP3 player) irrespective of whether the devices are turned on or not and whether they contain material relevant to the examination or not, are found during an examination, the candidate will be subject to disciplinary action which may lead to a failed grade in the concerned course.
- Candidates should wait for the instruction of the Chief Invigilator for starting reading the examination paper.
- Candidates must write, in blue or black ink, legibly and clearly when answering examination questions. Candidates may further consult their lecturers on specific writing instruments acceptable for individual examinations.
- Candidates should stop writing immediately at the end of the examination as instructed by the Chief Invigilator.
- Candidates shall use only the official examination stationery provided. Any rough work shall be done on the stationery provided and handed in with the completed script.
- Candidates can request the invigilator to provide supplementary answer sheets.
- Candidates can ask questions by raising their hands, and wait until an invigilator is able to attend to them.
- Candidates should not take away any scripts, rough work, or official stationery from the examination venue.
- Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination venue during the first 30 minutes and the last 15 minutes in an examination. If a candidate must leave for an acceptable reason, the candidate should seek the permission of an invigilator first.
- All candidates should remain quiet for the entire duration of an examination except when a candidate need to talk to an invigilator, in which case the candidate should raise the hands first and remain in the seat for an invigilator to approach.
- At the end of the examination, candidates shall remain seated and keep silent until all scripts have been collected. They are not allowed to leave until dismissal announcement is made by the Chief Invigilator.
- Any form of cheating or collusion in examinations is a serious academic offence, and may lead to disciplinary actions and termination in study.
Infringement of Examination Regulations
The following will be considered as an infringement of the examination regulations. Candidates must refrain from such behaviour:
- unauthorized access to an examination;
- use of unauthorized material;
- communicating unauthorized information during the examination;
- copying or attempting to copy from another candidate or allowing his/her own scripts to be copied;
- leaving the examination venue to refer to concealed notes;
- impersonating another student at the examination or allowing oneself to be impersonated.
Typhoons and Adverse Weather Arrangement
Please observe the Adverse Weather Arrangement from CityU SCOPE’s website: AdverseWeatherArrangements