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Alexia Li

In this ApL course, I have gained so much. Not only the knowledge of how to take care of different kinds of animals are taught but also strengthen my empathy and morality. I have been contacting different animals including those I have met in Ocean Park and KFBG, etc. Animals are ‘voice less’. We are not able to know their feelings through words. The only way is to observe and imagine their feelings from their perspective. And find ways to provide them with the bet living environment and minimize their suffering.

Kenneth Law

During my year-long study of an Animal Care course, I have attended seminars, reviewed case studies and conducted research projects from animal welfare to anatomy, physiology, and behaviour. Most notably, I devised care plans for a rescued mongrel and an adopted Persian cat according to the “Five Needs” and Nurse Care Plan rubric, which ensures evidence-based, holistic quality care by animal carers. I have also learnt to use the “Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle” to reflect on my field trips and practical experiences, which helped develop my selfdirected learning skills.

升學及就業發展 Articulation to Further Studies and Career Pathways

升學路向 Further Studies


e.g. Courses related to life sciences, veterinary medicine, veterinary nursing, biomedical sciences, environmental science, food science, etc.

就業出路 Career Pathways


Various levels of jobs/entry points in animal care depending on qualifications attained in further studies, e.g. veterinarian, veterinary nurse, veterinary assistant, animal care assistant, animal keeper, and laboratory veterinary attendant, etc.


學習模式 Study Mode

Lectures with demonstrations, group discussions and presentations, case studies, group projects, field visits, professional seminars and practical work etc.


課程結構 Course Structure

Basic Information

1. 動物與社會 (21小時)
 Animals and Society (21 hrs)

  • 動物護理概述
    An overview of animal care
  • 動物種類及群組
    Animal types & groups
  • 人類與動物的互動
    Human-animal interactions

2. 動物福利 (21小時)
Animal Welfare (21 hrs)

  • 動物福利的原則
    Principles of animal welfare
  • 動物福利的道德觀念
    Basic animal welfare ethics
  • 保護動物守則、規例及法例
    Animal protection codes, regulations & laws

3. 應用科學知識 (36小時)
Applied Science Knowledge (36 hrs)

  • 基礎應用動物解剖學及生理學 Basic applied animal anatomy & physiology
  • 基礎動物學習及行為 (實習觀察家犬) Basic animal learning & behaviour (with practical
    observation in the domestic dog)

4. 香港的動物 (27小時)
Animals in Hong Kong (27 hrs)

  • 在不同環境下的動物 Animals in different settings
  • 實地考察:評估實際情況下動物護理的需求 Field trip : assessment of care needs of animals in authentic context
  • 動物相關工作及專業發展 Career options & development in working with animals

5. 動物護理需求與飼養 (75小時)
Module 5: Animal Care Needs and Husbandry (75 hrs)

  • 動物工作間的健康與安全 Health and safety in animal workplace
  • 傳染病控制 Infectious disease control
  • 寵物選擇與領養 Pet selection & adoption
  • 動物護理計劃 Animal care planning
  • 飼養動物的知識與技巧 Husbandry knowledge & skills

課程特色 Programme Features