「身心健康行動計劃」講座 提升學生身心健康管理能力
近來社會氣氛緊張,加上新學年開始,同學在生活及學習方面可能衍生壓力。本學院特別在2019年9月9 日 ,邀請了新生精神康復會社工為學生舉辦「身心健康行動計劃」講座 ,介紹身心整全健康工具(Wellness Tools)的運用方法,教導學生覺察自己不同狀態,運用身心整全健康工具計劃和實踐危機處理,以掌握維持良好的身心健康狀態。

MO Sheung Yee BA (Hons) International Business Communication with Chinese / Japanese, University of Central Lancashire |
透過今天的講座,我認識到自己的內在與外在的健康問題是息息相關,緊緊相連。我要如何面對這些問題呢?這講座就教導了我們四個原則來釋放自己的一切不好情緒。而且,透過講座裡的活動,我發掘到原來有那麼多事情是有助解決自己那些不好的狀態。故此,我是非常感恩學校提供這樣的講座給我們。 |
KWOK Kwan Ho BA (Hons) English for International Corporate Communication, University of Central Lancashire |
It’s a real surprise for me. At first, I thought it’s going to be a ordinary talk. It really came to a shock for me when the presenter ask us to draw our feeling on a paper plate. Afterwards they asked us to put our thoughts on a wooden box, making it our own “reaction box”, when we have some struggles in life, just randomly pick from the box in order to reduce our stress. Especially the situation in recent months, many teenagers in Hong Kong are facing huge amounts of stress and emotions. Making such a talk can really help me to relieve my stresses. Therefore, I think this event really help me a lot in recovering from my recent activities in Hong Kong. Making me have a better control over my emotions. |
TAI Chak Kui BA (Hons) Applied Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University |
榮幸參與是次講座,讓我對心理健康有進一步的了解,同時也鞏固一些與學科相關的知識。更重要的是學會意識到自己情緒的徵狀及如何去緩解這些情緒問題。這些技巧豐富了我對將來所面對的挑戰有更好的心理準備。 |