Feature Articles of SDU
視障領跑員訓練 從黑暗走進光明

NGIP Tsz Hei BA (Hons) Applied Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University |
It was undoubtedly unforgettable experience I have ever had. In one of the parts of the activity, we were required to complete some tasks in the entirely dark environment by being required to cover the both eyes with a blinder during the mission as though you were really a blind. Such mission was what I have never encountered since I was born. Carefully listening to the instruction given by the nearby partner was the only way I was able to follow when I was in totally dark area. While I was walking near the road the vehicles traveled when my eye was covered by the blinder, I felt l stood at the center of the road the transport was travelling. It was much more than I had imagined before participating the activity. |
WONG Edwin BA (Hons) Applied Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University |
After joined the guide running training program organized by the Blind Sport Hong Kong, I learnt how to act as a guide runner. Being a guide runner is totally different from being a normal runner. I remembered the coach always told us to become a safety trailer but not a racing car while we are a guide runner. Also, through this experience, I learnt to trust my partner while I was blinding my eyes. In the real situation, people who are visually impaired are also trust their guide runner to help them to finish different Marathon competition. Therefore, always trust my partner is very important, not just only in Marathon, but also in our university life. I encourage all of you to join this program and wish you learnt inside. |