香港城市大學專業進修學院 (CityU SCOPE)為慶祝成立三十周年的活動啟動禮暨 「Steering Digital Transformation in The Next Decade」研討會

香港城市大學專業進修學院 (CityU SCOPE)為慶祝成立三十周年的活動啟動禮暨 「Steering Digital Transformation in The Next Decade」研討會,已於5月21日(星期五)假香港城市大學李達三業耀珍學術樓李宗德講堂順利舉行。慶典由香港城市大學學務副校長Prof. Christian WAGNER擔任主禮嘉賓,並由香港城市大學協理學務副校長(學術事務)李娟教授、CityU SCOPE前院長黃傑雄博士、院長馬志强博士、亞洲金融集團首席執行官梁建文先生、香港鐵路有限公司首席資訊主管孫耀達教授及香港數碼港管理有限公司行政總裁任景信先生、CityU SCOPE副院長梁偉強博士、助理院長黃栢强博士主持慶祝儀式。
CityU SCOPE院長馬志强博士在典禮中致辭時稱:「在過去三十年,學院致力推行終身學習,為有志進修的人士提供優質及專業教育,至今已培育多達三萬名學士畢業生。為切合社會及科技發展之需要,學院已開拓多項與新興技術相關的創新課程。」馬博士亦借此機會感謝各方一直以來對SCOPE、香港城市大學和社會作出的貢獻。
另外,香港城市大學學務副校長Prof. Christian Wagner感謝CityU SCOPE不斷努力開辦優質的非本地學士課程,為高中離校生提供另一個升學途徑。他亦祝願學院繼續在持續進修的領域上保持領導優勢,培養更多人才貢獻社會。」
緊接慶祝典禮之後是「Steering Digital Transformation in The Next Decade」研討會。同時,感謝梁建文先生、孫耀達教授及任景信先生的分享,使我們進一步了解到新興科技對未來十年的影響,管理人員如何透過數碼轉型實現關鍵的商業和社會價值,及培養年輕一代迎接數碼轉型的挑戰。

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of CityU SCOPE, the Kick-off Ceremony cum Digital Transformation Forum was held on 21 May at Joseph Lee Hall, CityU. A number of honoured guests, including Professor Christian Wagner, the Provost of CityU, Professor Julie Li, the Associate Provost of CityU, Dr. Charles Wong, the Founding Director of CityU SCOPE, Mr. Michael Leung, MH, the CEO of BOA International Financial Group, Dr. Ted Suen, MH, the CIO of the MTR Corporation Limited and Fellow and President of Hong Kong Computer Society, Mr. Peter Yan, JP, the CEO of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, together with Dr. Louis Ma, the Director of CityU SCOPE, Dr. John Leung, the Associate Director of CityU SCOPE, and Dr. Patrick Wong, the Assistant Director of CityU SCOPE, officiated at the opening ceremony.
Dr. Louis Ma shared with us the evolution of CityU SCOPE in his welcoming speech. “For the past 30 years, CityU SCOPE has been a pioneer and major provider of quality, professional life-long education in Hong Kong. CityU SCOPE and its partner universities have nurtured more than 30,000 graduates of non-local bachelor’s degree with honours. To cope with technological advancement, CityU SCOPE has launched various innovative courses in the application of emerging technology.” Dr. Ma also thanked different parties for their contributions and dedication to CityU SCOPE, CityU, and the society.
Prof. Christian Wagner, the Provost of CityU, appreciates the unfailing efforts of CityU SCOPE to offer high-quality tertiary education to high school graduates and holders of sub-degrees in Hong Kong. He also hopes CityU SCOPE will sustain its leading role so as to foster talents and upskill workforces for the betterment of the future of the economy
The ceremony was followed by the Forum of Steering Digital Transformation in The Next Decade. It is with an honour to have the sharing by Mr. Michael Leung, Dr. Ted Suen, and Mr. Peter Yan on the topic of the impact of emerging technology for the next ten years, strategies for inducing significant business and societal values through digital transformation, and development of young talents to meet the challenges brought by digital transformation.