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HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund and Self-financing Post-Secondary Education Fund Joint Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 2024


HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund and Self-financing Post-Secondary Education Fund Joint Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 2024

To promote the development of the self-financing post-secondary sector, the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS) is set up under the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund to offer scholarships and awards to students. This year, the ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 25 April 2024.

A total of 11 students from CityU SCOPE are awarded the following scholarships/awards to honor their outstanding academic and non-academic achievements:

4 students are awarded the Outstanding Performance Scholarship

1 student are awarded the Best Progress Award

5 students are awarded the Reaching Out Award

 1 student is awarded the Talent Development Scholarship

To celebrate our awardees' outstanding performance, Dr. Louis Ma, Director of CityU SCOPE, Dr. Vicky LAW, Convener of SDU, together with Mr. Ian Lo, a staff of SDU of CityU SCOPE, took some photos with the awardees on stage at the ceremony. The awardees are: Mr. Cheung Sau Ching (BSc (Hons) Aviation Management, Coventry University), Mr. Wong Siu Kan (BA (Hons) Applied Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University).








為慶祝同學的卓越表現,本院院長馬志強博士、講師羅婉薇博士及職員羅然賜先生聯同獲獎同學張守正(航空管理榮譽理學士, Coventry University)及王少勤 (應用社會科學榮譽文學士, Sheffield Hallam University)於台上合照。