BA (Hons) Business Management, De Montfort University (3 years Full-degree)
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BA (Hons) Business Management<br/>

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BA (Hons) Business Management, De Montfort University (3 years Full-degree)
Graduation Ceremony 2019
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LAU Ka Wan (2021 Graduate)
2019/20 - Reaching out award
2020/21 - Best Dissertation Award
Currently working as a teaching assistant at education institute
There are a variety of learning resources at SCOPE to cater to student needs. Also, the programme at SCOPE enables me to complete my bachelor’s degree in a shorter period of time and pursue further studies soon after.
CHONG Wing Tung Nicole
2020/21 - The chairperson of SCOPE's student club
2020/21 - Certificate of Student Leader
2019/20, 2020/21 - Director's List
2020/21 - Outstanding Performance Scholarship
Studying in Full-time mode
I would like to thank our Programme Leader, who has given us the opportunities to equip ourselves for future careers, such as linking up with international companies for internship programmes.