BSc (Hons) Information Technology for Business, Coventry University
Curriculum Outline

BSc (Hons) Information Technology for Business, Coventry University
Curriculum Outline
206CDE Real World Project
This module aims to give students a real world learning experience and enables students to develop a range of employability skills. These include multi-disciplinary team working, communication, co-operation, project planning, initiative, commercial awareness and analytical skills. The module will provide students with the opportunity to acquire these skills through a variety of work options examples include: short term work placements, faculty and department based internship projects, appropriate voluntary work, open source projects, research projects and entrepreneurship projects.
204KM Operational Research
This module adopts a practical approach to data management and operational research. It introduces techniques and/or methods for identifying data sources, for searching efficiently, and for the collection, classification, representation, interpretation and analysis of data retrieved. Some techniques and applications associated with a broad range of areas of OR are covered. The module aims to provide students with an insight into both the use of the techniques and some of the underpinning theory.
The methods taught are used extensively in many industries and local and national government, and also research and development. In addition this module develops useful skills which can be used in some final year projects.
220CT Data and Information Retrieval
This module provides an insight into how data and information retrieval systems are designed. It provides an introductory study of database concepts, theory and design with some practical use of a database and information retrieval tools and techniques.
302CEM Agile Development
This module aims to provide students with sound understanding and experience in Development methodologies, techniques and tools. Agile and rapid approaches to developing information systems and software are critical for responding to changing business environment. The module will examine in detail different methodologies for rapid development and their application in practice. Specific industry strength type of technology for RAD will be utilised for solving real-world problems.
351EM Project Management
This module introduces learners to project management and equips them with skills, both human and technical, that will enable them to lead and work on a variety of projects.
Learners are encouraged from the outset to see the role of the project manager within the broader perspective of strategic business management, understanding where projects come from and why they are selected. Both the purchaser and supplier roles in a project are recognised and explored. The importance of de facto project management scheduling skills, quality and estimating standards is emphasised.
The human and change aspects of projects are considered in order that the student may understand the effect on morale, productivity and quality of management decisions.
304KM Information Technology and Global Development
The role of this module is to examine the role of digital technology (including Information technology) and its juxta position to individuals and groups. The drivers that stimulate the uptake of global technologies, critical success factors and barriers will be explored. The impact of technologies at international, national and organisational level will be studied. Guest speakers will be engaged to illustrate the diversity of current applications of digital technology deployed in society. Legal, ethical, moral, economic and social perspectives on digital technology will be studied.
303CEM Security and Compliance in the Cloud
The trend is for businesses to move their systems to the ‘cloud’, which raises a number of crucial issues regarding business continuity and risk management. This module practically examines and investigates this process and shows how cloud systems are designed, configured, secured and updated to effectively support modern business practices. The module assumes limited prior knowledge of both networks or operating systems.
The module has a practical focus, with students building and testing real examples of cloud systems.
300ADD Effective Communications
The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of the principles and techniques which will assist them to enhance personal communication skills, and to require them to analyse and apply appropriate communication strategies. Participants will be given the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe environment and reflect on current performance and future development need.
Students who undertake this module may be in a stronger position to secure employment. Cross-sector, employers have identified effective communication as an essential skill they look for when recruiting graduates.
303COM Individual Project
The aim of this module is to provide an opportunity to research, design, implement and critically evaluate a functional or simulated system, object or concept and to acquire further knowledge of a specialist technical area. To this end, the student will undertake a substantial project which will exercise in-depth technical, problem-solving, creative and other skills required of a professional practitioner. The student will ensure that their work conforms to appropriate ethical codes of practice.
Successful completion of the project will require methodical planning, record keeping and self-management and effective communication, execution and delivery of an agreed artefact. Support and guidance will be provided by a project supervisor who will be the primary point of contact for a student on this module.