FDSc Fire Safety Engineering, University of Central Lancashire
Message from our Fire Programme Graduates
Message from our Fire Programme Graduates
FDSc Fire Safety Engineering, University of Central Lancashire
Message from our Fire Programme Graduates
Part-Time Graduates
Studying in Fire Safety Engineering (FDSc) at SCOPE was a beneficial experience. The knowledgeable and enthusiastic course lecturers have brightened me a lot in understanding about the current Fire Safety industry. The course is designed at practicable aspect. It is covered a wide variety of topics, such as Skills for Science and Engineering, Fluid Dynamics of Fire and Fire Safety Management and legislation, which are particularly useful in developing the career in this field. To this, no matter you are seeking for further development in career of fire safety industry or interested in exploring more in this area, I highly recommend this course to you.

As one of the students in the stream of fire safety engineering, I am so grateful to choose the concerned program engineered by CityuU SCOPE to further pursue my continuing education in my working field. As a graduate of social science with an arts background in my secondary school life, mathematics or multiple calculations always threaten me during my two-year term of study. However, the patience given by lecturers leads me to overcome those obstacles. It impressed me most that a lecturer even shared with us her phone number for our further enquiries about that lesson. With her sincere replies to my follow-up questions afterwards, I finally got a pass in that examination which bother me the most because of the complex calculations. So, I truly feel the endless support from teachers of CityU SCOPE and so much enjoy my studies.