BA (Hons) Applied Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University (3 years degree)
Programme Aims And Features
BA (Hons) Applied Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University (3 years degree)
BA (Hons) Applied Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University (3 years degree)
Programme Aims & Features
Programme Aims
This programme aims to provide students with a sound knowledge base in applied social science and an academic base for postgraduate study. It also helps students to develop key personal and transferable skills associated with future employment in a rapidly changing environment and cultivates an open-minded enquiring attitude and independent learning capacity that enhance life-long learning.
Programme Features
- The programme provides students with broad-based social science knowledge through a range of compulsory and elective modules.
- It provides students with an opportunity to experience in a real work context with the module 'Work Placement', where students can enhance their employability and put theories into practice.
- Graduates will be eligible to apply for a range of postgraduate programmes in local and overseas universities.
- The programme is tailor-made for students who would like to pursue a career in social services in both the public and private sectors.
- 本課程特別為有志投身社會服務的學生而設,畢業生亦適合在不同公營及私營機構任職。
- 本課程透過一系列必修及選修科目,為學生提供深厚的社會科學基礎。
- 課程為學生提供社會服務實習機會,理論與實踐並重。
- 畢業生可以申請本地及海外大學的碩士學位課程。