Bachelor's Degree (3-Years)
CityU SCOPE has been a pioneer and major provider of quality professional and life-long education in Hong Kong. We aim to provide quality education for professional practice, retraining and self-development which anticipates and responds to community needs as well as social and technological changes. Those who are keen to upgrade and improve themselves, regardless of their learning needs, will find that CityU SCOPE’s quality programmes facilitate their progression along the qualifications ladder.
Our School has already established co-operation with overseas universities in offering top-up degree programmes since the early 1990’s. We have nurtured over 32,000 bachelor's degree graduates, and many of them are now making significant contributions to various sectors of society.
We capitalise on our rich experience in providing programmes recognized by the Qualifications Framework (QF) and take the lead to introduce 3-Year UK Bachelor’s Honours Degree programmes since 2016. Jointly offered by prestigious UK universities and us, these programmes of three major disciplines have been delivered locally: Business Management , Social Science, and Information Technology for Business.
These programmes are desirable options for HKDSE graduates. These programmes have been approved by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) as reaching QF Level 5, which is equivalent to the standing of local university degrees. As such, students are eligible for applying Government grants, loans, and scholarships. Graduates of these programmes can also apply for Government posts, and take up Master’s degree study in local or overseas universities.
Every year, thousands of students in Hong Kong go abroad to study, and the UK is a popular destination. By offering 3-Year UK Bachelor’s Honours Degree programmes locally, CityU SCOPE provides HKDSE graduates with an alternative route for obtaining UK university degrees without the need to study abroad.
「香港城市大學專業進修學院」矢志成為一所提供專業及終身教育的頂尖學院,在專業訓練、人才培訓及個人發展方面,提供各類進修途徑,切合社會及科技發展之需要,為有志進修的人士開拓升學及進修機 會,構建資歷階梯,以滿足社會上不同人士的學習需求。
為幫助學生面對升學的挑戰,學院自2016 年起與英國多家知名大學合作,在港開辦「三年制英國大學榮譽學士課程」,為香港中學文憑畢業生提供商業管理、社會科學、商業資訊科技三類課程。
該等課程已獲得「香港學術及職業資歷評審局」確認為學術資歷級別第五級,相等於本地大學學位資歷水平。此資歷可讓學生申請政府獎學金、助學金及低息貸款,畢業後亦可申請政府職位,或升讀本地及海外大學的碩士學位課程。 學院在港開辦「三年制英國大學榮譽學士課程」,能為香港中學文憑畢業生提供「在港修讀,三年取得英國學位」的升學途徑。