Messages from Our Graduates CityU SCOPE
BEng (Hons) Fire Engineering, University of Central Lancashire

BEng (Hons) Fire Engineering, University of Central Lancashire
Messages from Our Graduates
Part-Time Graduates

To recall the memories from the past few years, the teaching strategy was rearranged to online class due to an outbreak of Coronavirus. As a participant, I appreciated to all the teachers with their explicit explanation and effort during the lecture. Although online class limited the sense of reality compared to face to face class, I could feel the enthusiasm from the teachers who attempted to compensate the difference. Meanwhile, I could access to the record of lecture online for further understanding and revision which could enhance the effectiveness of learning.
As a student in Fire Engineering, I was inspired by the course which widened my horizon with the technical knowledge and application. I believed that the experience and knowledge that I gained from the course would lead a deep influence for my career.

After the past few years in the CityU SCOPE fire engineering program, I had faced a lot of challenges and things that I had never met before. As a part-time student, I need to make a balance between my job and my study. I always won’t forget the day that I overcome every examination.
I would like to give my deepest appreciation to those module leaders, lecturers, and tutors who share their valuable experience and support everything in the program.

10年前高級文憑畢業後,我就找到一份助理消防工程師職位。我很喜歡這份有拯救生命保障財產意義的工作,所以一直從事消防工程行業至今。 五年前有前輩提及有消防專科的學位課程,我就開始計劃報名就讀。 我由報讀Foundation Degree開始,希望先打好基礎,其後更完成了Bachelor Degree課程。城市與UClan辦的這系列課程由淺入深,理論與實踐並重,確實讓我能更進一步裝備自己。學習完課程內容後,亦令我更明白度身訂造消防設計的重要性。最後,我好多謝當中指導過我的講師,教授和博士,他們的專業和熱誠讓我獲益良多。

My deepest appreciation is extended to our modules leaders, lecturers and tutors of CityU SCOPE, who gave us constructive criticism and friendly advices throughout our study of programme. There are a series of systematical methodologies to coach us how to solve fire engineering problems more effectively by providing with plenty of practical examples and sharing the tips from their own experiences and practices from the industry. We would not complete all the fire engineering course works in time without their guidance.
Friendship was built amongst the classmates and the teachers from the professional fields. My network was widen, especially in our career aspect.
Looking back over the past few years, I had met a lot of challenges that I never had before, especially as a part-time student who need to strike a balance between my work, studies and family. I will remember how I overcome these tough but meaningful days and hold the pictures in my minds even for many years later.

修畢屋宇裝備工程副學位課程後,我認為消防工程在未來的發展需求大,而且修畢課程後更可獲得專業資格,因此升讀了SCOPE 的「消防工程榮譽工學士學位課程」。SCOPE 的導師已在消防工程業界中工作多年,對於業界的發展十分熟悉,而且他們更能夠向學生提供升學及就業意見,使學生更清楚未來的發展動向。在課程設計方面,我很榮幸有機會設計不同模型,了解不同消防設備的功用及限制,有助在將來投身消防工程行業時,把知識應用到各種大廈及商場的消防設計上。
