BA/BA (Hons) Marketing Management, Edinburgh Napier University
Graduates of 2019

Graduates of 2019

"The Marketing programme has given me both tangible and intangible returns. It provided me with a new perspective on the marketing sector and gave me full confidence in my greater capacity to go further. With the guidance of our friendly and prestigious professors, I am able to study with many energetic and excellent classmates from different backgrounds and learn a lot from them. I gained quite a lot of practical experience in handling the LIVE project. In the LIVE project, our study is closely connected with what is happening in the real business world. It is helpful to build up a business mindset and understand the market trend.
The Marketing programme broadened my horizons in business world and guided me to become a smart businessman. While studying in this programme, I worked in AIA as a Private Wealth Management Manager at the same time, applying the marketing skill set with what I had learned in class, I achieved a lot of goals and evolve in many ways.
In Feb 2020, I started my own firm with 2 partners, company named IMG INSIGHTS, professional organization that focuses on corporate training. By connecting industry experts with financial institutions, we have created a brand new model for the corporate training industry. Our specializations include the FinTech program, Risk & Compliance, etc. We work with thousands of experts from FinTech and the compliance sector to customize corporate training courses for large private equity funds, foreign hedge funds, asset management companies, private wealth management firms, first-tier management consulting firms, and multinational corporations."

"大家好,我是 Kathy。我畢業於 CityU SCOPE 和 Edinburgh Napier University 提供的 Marketing Management programme,獲得 second upper honours。我之所以選擇此課程,是因為有經驗豐富的教授教導和想在有關市場營銷方面的職業發展。
在此課程,Live Project 是一個很好的實踐。我和組員為一間 NGO,Codekey Cookies 提供了一份市場研究報告,用來進一步發展其業務並提高其銷售。我帶領了另外3位組員做這份報告,訓練了我的領導才能和溝通技巧。
在學習期,我獲得了香港特別行政區的 Outstanding Performance Scholarship 。我很榮幸獲得這一獎勵,並且使我在大學裡的表現更好。我認為學習是一個獲得對未來更多見識的過程。不僅要了解理論,還需要從理論中獲得啟發並找出自己的理論。該獎學金是一個里程碑,並激勵所有學生進一步實現他們在營銷方面的夢想。
對我來說,最難忘的課程是論文。我學習瞭如何通過使用數據分析工具 SPSS 進行數據分析。在最後的一年中,我在 Professor CN Lo 的指導下順利完成了學位論文。

"I’m Calvin. I am currently working as a Digital Marketer at a listed company. At my company, I’m mainly in charge of partnership development of the loyalty programme and e-commerce platform, planning sales campaigns and promotions, as well as brand building.
I graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management in 2019. The programme has a well-developed structure and provides guidance which enables me to apply marketing theories to practical situations in an effective way. It also equipped me with the necessary knowledge to further develop my career in the marketing field. The programme allowed me to gain a better understanding of the factors that influence the business environment, ways to enhance competitive advantages and effective marketing.
Here, I met learning partners from diverse backgrounds and I have to thank all my tutors and lecturers for their professional knowledge and guidance which have become extremely valuable to my career.
This programme was a critical factor which helped me change my career path from a retail buyer to a digital marketer. It is never too late to gain new knowledge for advancement in your career or even a switch of career paths."