BA/BA (Hons) Marketing Management, Edinburgh Napier University
Graduates of 2020

Graduates of 2020

"The BA (Hons) Marketing Management Programme (Part-time) (the Programme) covers many aspects, such as business management, online and offline marketing. Being a marketer, only knowing the practical marketing skills is not enough. One has to keep learning about the latest information of the market and other professional knowledge in order to keep up with the latest development of the market. This drives me to apply the Programme.
During my study, I feel honoured and privileged to be invited to the CityU SCOPE Outstanding Student Awards Ceremony and being awarded the Director’s List. I was later awarded the Edinburgh Napier University’s Scholarship. These awards has undoubtedly been a huge encouragement. They did not only bring me monetary reward and honour. Most importantly, they are a recognition to my tremendous efforts in my academic life. Such recognition motivated me to keep striving for excellence in my further studies.
The process of writing up my dissertation would always be the most unforgettable moment from the Programme. I am most grateful that my lecturer has always been patiently guiding me through the process. From designing the questionnaires, data collection to analysing the data, each of the every step in the process is a new learning opportunity. In these uncharted waters of knowledge, I faced the new challenges, kept making new discoveries and improvements. I am very glad that I could finally be awarded the degree with First Class Honour.
In this ever-changing business environment, a marketer not only has to be able to apply the skills learnt, but also has to be continuously learning in order to keep oneself up in the new era. No matter if you are already a marketer or one who is interested in becoming a marketer, the Programme would definitely be beneficial to you. This Programme would help you laid the foundation for your development of the related professional knowledge and provide you the platform to practice the application of the skills learnt. The experience from this Programme would equip one with the essential skills and knowledge, enabling one to excel in their career"

"我是Marketing Management 2020畢業生。這個課程啟發我找到最適合自己的學習方法。除了學術知識外,這個課程還提供了應用知識的機會。而且在課程中,還設有海外交流的寶貴學習機會。
在課程中的Live project為我提供在英國公司實習的寶貴機會。從而讓我了解不同國家的工作習慣和文化。在Live Project中,我被分配到一間蘇格蘭初創公司,協助公司建立一個市場計劃。在這間公司工作讓我體會到英國人廣闊的眼光和細緻的工作程序。而且他們在工作和生活上也會取得平衡,不會偏重一方。我們會在工作後一起到附近的餐廳食一頓飯聊聊天,輕鬆一下。在live project中另一樣最大的收穫便是我跟來自不同地方的組員成為了好朋友。其中一位組員更抽空來到香港跟我一聚,這份跨國的友情真是難能可貴。