BA/BA (Hons) Marketing Management, Edinburgh Napier University
Graduates of 2021

Graduates of 2021

"大家好! 我是 Aston,畢業於Marketing Management 2021。本人選擇此課程,因為這裡有許多經驗豐富的導師和可更進一步了解市場管理學的相關知識,令我日後事業發展有所得益。
在數個學期間,我很感謝得到不同範疇的導師指導。雖然學習中期遇上疫情,但是導師的教導熱誠並沒有退減,還會常常不厭其煩耐心教導及慰問同學,十分溫暖。至於學士論文(Dissertation)更是本人最難忘的單元。由設計問卷、利用數據分析工具(SPSS)進行一連串數據分析,由資深教授CN Lo指導下順利完成取得學位。
工作方面,我擔任非牟利組織的紀錄及獎勵董事。課程讓我可以學以自用,如:數據分析工具(SPSS)、面談以及收集資料等, 運用於日常工作中。

"I joined this top-up undergraduate program in 2019 as a full-time student after attending the info session organized by the Program Office of BA (Hons) in Marketing Management. The trimester structure was designed in a compact and tight schedule which was very challenging and required a good time management plus self-discipline in meeting deadlines on course works. I'm so happy that I managed to go through this journey and admitted to the DIRECTOR'S LIST awarded by the SCOPE of CityU in 2020. I am also the recipient of the Edinburgh Napier University Scholarship for my academic achievement and graduated with a First Class Honours in March 2021. I was lucky enough to get a job working for a large digital marketing agency early this year, amid the adverse economic situation and historically high unemployment rate in HK due to the pandemic.
Throughout the course of my study, a lot of modules impressed and benefitted me tremendously, especially the following four modules:
- Direct & Digital Marketing: It is a very practical subject with up-to-date contents, from which I could apply what I learnt to my daily work.
- Brand Management: Very interesting module with lots of case studies to illustrate the subject matter, from which I have become aware of the significance of modern branding.
- Live Project: A real-life assignment for us by working closely with a local enterprise and came up with a marketing communication plan for them. An exceptionally valuable experience for us to understand and identify business issues and challenges that the company had encountered, from which we sharpened our communication skills.
- Dissertation: This is the most important subject for those who want to pursue an undergraduate degree with honours. I was so grateful to my supervisor for her professional guidance, exceptional patience and understanding throughout the process so that I could complete my quantitative research on time. I am pretty sure if you successfully go through this dissertation, you will be well-equipped with problem-solving skills with confidence for your future career.
Last but not least, I must say my undergraduate journey with ENU/ CityU SCOPE was an enjoyable and memorable one. I am proud of being a graduate of this undergraduate program and my heartfelt thanks to all the professors, not only because they are well-versed in their own field of expertise but also they are caring to students. To me it is also a very competitive undergraduate program, that I was able to secure a full-time job shortly after the completion of my dissertation. I have no reservation in recommending this program to anyone I know if he or she is looking for a reputable marketing degree course."