Module Outlines
For detailed module information please refer to the Blackboard site which will give you clear and up-to-date information about each module's aims, learning outcomes and methods of assessment, and further reading. If in doubt, we would advise you to talk to the module leader before you purchase a textbook.
Social Psychology and Individual Differences
This module serves as an introduction to core areas of individual differences and social psychology. Key topics will include personality, intelligence, group processes, attitudes and identity. By engaging successfully with this module you will be able to identify, critically appraise and apply key theories and debates in social psychology and individual differences. You will be able to consider relevant research evidence and evaluate the major methods and approaches typically used within the fields of individual differences and social psychology research. Reading and references will be suggested for each topic, and module key texts will be provided in the module Handbook.
Fundamentals in Design and Statistics
In this module you will be introduced to a range of quantitative and qualitative research designs. The module will enable you to design and conduct ethical scientific research and understand the fundamentals of data analysis. You will review appropriate literature, systematically test research hypotheses, conduct data analyses, interpret the outputs and present the findings from your research study in a lab report. A list of instructive texts will be provided in the module Handbook.
Research Issues in Applied Developmental Psychology
This module aims to increase your awareness of the range and advancement of developmental theory, research designs, approaches and techniques. Each session will introduce you to a different research approach used in a specific topic area of Developmental Psychology. An outline of each approach, design and topic will be given together with examples of relevant research publications and relevant activities. Where possible, an actual demonstration of the techniques will be given. Reading and references will be suggested for each topic, and module key texts will be provided in the module Handbook.
Abnormal Psychology
This module will introduce you to a range of psychopathologies, such as schizophrenia, personality disorders, eating disorders and autism. By engaging with this module you should be able to outline different criteria for diagnosis and critically analyse the various factors that are thought to cause different psychopathologies. You will be able to explain the debates regarding the problems in categorising psychopathology and critically evaluate clinical interventions and clinical research. You will work on a case study, including a psychological explanation of the case, treatment strategies and their evaluation, and the professional ethics involved. Reading and references will be suggested for each topic, and module key texts will be provided in the module Handbook.
Cognitive Psychobiology
By engaging successfully with this module you will be able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of functions underpinning biological explanations of behaviour and mechanisms underpinning perception, memory, language, problem solving, and other cognitive abilities. You will be able to explain and evaluate key theories and debates within the field of biological and cognitive psychology. Taught sessions, workshops and your own independent study will allow you to appreciate the value of integrating the cognitive and the biological approaches to the study of human behaviour. Reading and references will be suggested for each topic, and module key texts will be provided in the module Handbook.
Research Dissertation and Continuing Professional Development
The aim of this module is to build your research skills and competences, and enable you to reflect on these and your personal development in order to enhance your employability prospects. This will be achieved by undertaking a research project on a topic related to your course, writing this up as a research paper, making a short presentation, and reflecting on how this experience has contributed to your academic, personal and professional development. You will work under the supervision of members of the teaching team from both SCOPE and SHU to further develop your knowledge and skills of a specific topic within your course area. These topics will vary depending on your supervisors' and your own interests. Module key texts will be provided in the module Handbook.