課程編號:PE100EG | 修讀時數:38小時(晚間制) |
課程種類:職業英語 | 上課時間:晚上7時至10時 |
教材:英文教材 | 上課地點:尖東教學中心 |
網上登記:職業英語(商業電郵寫作)證書 |
- Present information, ideas, related explanations, discussions, arguments and evaluation clearly and accurately in business email
- Skills of writing business email
- Common mistakes in writing business email
Prepare business email for different communicative functions
Delivering information, and request ing for actions
Complaints and responses
Negotiations evaluations , explanations and suggestions
- Form Six;or Form Five with at least two years’ working experience;and pass entry test;or
- Holder of “Foundation Certificate in Workplace English (Reading & Writing) II (Part-time)” of ERB, or equivalent; and
- General Admission Criteria
- 豁免學費 (沒有收入或每月收入為$14,000或以下)
- $825 (高額資助學費 - 每月收入為$14,001至$22,000)
- $2,750 (一般資助學費 - 每月收入$22,001或以上)
電話 | 3442 6359 |
電郵 | erb@scope.edu |