Professional Diploma in Occupational Rehabilitation Management
Course Descriptors

Professional Diploma in Occupational Rehabilitation Management
Course Descriptors
Introduction to Occupational Rehabilitation Management (30 hours)
This module introduces the principles of occupational rehabilitation management and return-to-work coordination, as well as local relevant legislations such as the Employee Compensation Ordinance (ECO) and programmes such as Voluntary Rehabilitation Programme (VRP).
Body System and Assessment Techniques (36 hours) 
This module introduces basic knowledge on human body system and mental health issues. It also offers techniques for conducting Job Analysis (for assessing the job requirement of injured employee’s original position) and introduces different kinds of assessment involved in the RTW process.
Workplace Modification and Preparation (54 hours)
Modification of workplace to fit the need of injured employee before he or she returns to work is one of the critical steps for a successful RTW. This module discusses not only the techniques for workplace modification, but also other aspects that are essential for a successful RTW, such as promotion of supportive culture in the workplace, etc. This module will also offer the basic accident prevention knowledge.
Case Management Techniques (36 hours)
To liaise with different stakeholders in the RTW process, the Case Manager needs effective communication skills as well as conflict resolution skills. This module introduces skills for communication, interviewing, conflict resolution, problem solving, etc.
Implementation of Occupational Rehabilitation Programme (42 hours)
This module introduces the competencies required to implement and administer the occupational rehabilitation programme in an organization, including information management, change management and evaluation of progress. RTW cases will be shared and the professional conduct of the Case Manager will also be discussed.
CEF reimbursable modules